
Transform Your Game | LearnTransform Your Game | Learn

Once you have received new information from listening, and determined the message will help you, how will you LEARN? How will you apply it?

How will you get good at shooting a basketball?

How will you get better at dribbling?

You must LEARN to apply any new lesson through practice, practice, practice.

The more you practice, the more the lesson becomes a part of you.

Practice helps the action become automatic; you build a habit.


In basketball, learning a new skill is a simple two step process (simple, but not easy):

  1. Observe the skill (see, hear, move, etc.)
  2. Practice the skill…again and again.


Learning basketball skills require us to take-in (observe) information from many different aspects. 3 of our 5 senses lead the way as we;

  • see the skill,
  • hear the instruction of the skill,
  • and finally, touch – or move – and physically attempt the skill. 

As we observe, we also evaluate how successful certain skills are and even identify other players who might be really good at specific skills.  

For example, if I were to see a player make 10 three-point shots in a row, I would want to see, hear, and attempt how they shoot and what their shooting form is in order to best learn that skill. 

These observations lead us to the next step of learning – practice. 


Basketball skills require a number of  unnatural physical motions.

Think about it…outside of basketball, how many things do you dribble between your legs? How often are you in a defensive stance or chopping your feet to close-out? When do you raise your arm over your head and snap your wrist? 

Doing these unnatural movements require a large amount of focused and intentional repetitions.

There are numerous studies and books as how best to learn a new skill – and all of them agree on the fact that you must put in the time and energy required to turn a skill into a habit. 

YOU have to do it. No one else can learn a skill for you or even force a new skill on you. In order to transform your game, YOU have to be the one to practice, practice, practice. 


In life, learning follows the same two step process of observing and practicing. If we want to transform our lives, these two things become especially important.


What do you observe around you that you want to implement into your own life? 

Better health? Financial success? Good relationships? Happiness? Strength?

Just like in basketball, if you observe someone else achieving good things, there is wisdom in learning more from that source. 

In Philippians 4:9, the Apostle Paul said, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”

Learning in life requires us to choose great examples who we can follow. 


Practice, the next step of learning, requires personal responsibility and action. 

Once again, the Apostle Paul says in 1 Timothy 4:7-8, “Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

But what about those things we seem to not be able to learn, implement or overcome?

As followers of Jesus, there is an assurance of help because of the finished work of Christ. No doubt we must still put in the work with focused and intentional repetitions – but we can be confident “that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)






Picture of Tim Bieri | News Release Basketball Director
Tim Bieri | News Release Basketball Director

Tim has served with NRB for nearly 20 years and coached at the collegiate level for the past 13 years.