+1 970 310 5636
This non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place on the tour. This is done to demonstrate your commitment and to help cover initial costs.
**This deposit is tax deductible and will go towards the amount you are responsible to raise.**
If you’d rather write a check, please make it out to:
“News Release Basketball”
and send to:
News Release Basketball
P.O. Box 270585
Louisville, CO 80027
Please let us know if you have a passport or not.
Please go through EACH section below ⬇️
God, through the work of Jesus, has transformed our lives and given us a strong hope and living purpose.
The Story of Scripture empowers us to action through the Holy Spirit. And as we live, we invite others to join the people of God, mirroring what God wills for humankind.
Watch this video to see how the Biblical story embodies Truth, Beauty and Goodness. It is the Story that we find ourselves in
We desire to share this hope by using basketball as a relationship building vehicle in order to show others the saving and transforming power of Christ-in-us.
Scroll through the graphics below to further explore WHY we do what we do…IN CHRIST…
BASKETBALL is the glue that sticks us together. It is the tool that opens the door to new relationships and that cultivates continued relationships. Through these connections we desire to SHOW and TELL how Christ has transformed our lives…this is called “evangelism.“
Evangelism refers to sharing the Gospel. It comes from the same Greek word for gospel (euangelion) which means, “good news.” So literally, evangelism means “good newsing” (or in better English, “sharing the good news”).
“…evangelism is not a “special” activity to be undertaken at a prescribed time. It is the constant and spontaneous outflow of our individual and corporate experience of Christ. Even more specifically, evangelism is what Christ does through the activity of His children as they are involved in proclamation, fellowship and service.” – Joseph C. Aldrich, Life-Style Evangelism
THROUGH BASKETBALL we have the opportunity to run camps, clinics and play in exhibition and scrimmage games. During these activities we desire to truly live out Christ’s love, compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, joy and purpose.
We will have opportunities to hear people’s stories, and share the stories of how our lives have been transformed by Jesus Christ.
Specifically, we desire to help you share your “Jesus story” in a clear and concise way that is real, relevant, and revitalizing.
Here are a few tips to help you become more equipped to share God’s work in your life.
How has/does the Gospel impact your life?
Again, our first priority is to SHOW how Christ has transformed our lives by LIVING in unity, peace and love.
This is shown through humble attitudes, service focus, joyful efforts, and genuine love and energy.
In order to TELL our stories, we want to make sure you’re prepared to share the hope you have in Christ.
Here is a simple and short outline to help organize your testimony:
**Pick 1 or 2 main things in your life/story. People will connect more if they know the 1 or 2 main points rather than a bunch of topics. Especially if/when translated.**
Here is an example of a 2 minute Testimony that hits all 3 points above ⬇️
One of the best ways to GROW is to LEAD.
When you coach/teach basketball, you tend to become a better player.
In the same way, through SHOWING and SHARING Christ’s love, we are confident you will become stronger (grow) in your relationship with Him.
NRB defines leadership as “unselfishly serving others while growing closer to the Lord and following His desire for your life.”
While on tour, our desire is to see you GROW in LEADERSHIP by helping you explore and find clarity in:
As part of this News Release Basketball Team, it is vital we are on the same page concerning expected personal and team conduct.
We are representatives of both Christ and the community that bears his name (Christians, and therefore News Release Basketball). As such, we must be careful to live in such a way that brings honor to Christ’s name and His family.
We strive to selflessly and humbly serve others through the sport of basketball.
We desire our participants to be actively pursuing a Christ-like lifestyle; including a high level of high integrity on and off the court, on social media, and in every-day interactions.
Therefore, these are some basic guidelines:
We Will:
We will-NOT:
Also, when making decisions keep the following Biblical principals in mind:
We want to thank you for being a part of the News Release Basketball tour this summer. Your involvement is very important to the vitality of this ministry.
Participation in competitive athletics includes a risk of injury, which may range in severity from minor to serious. Although serious injury and illness are not common in overseas tour participation, it is impossible to totally eliminate this risk. Therefore, News Release Basketball cannot be held liable for injury or illness incurred while on tour.
However, News Release Basketball will do everything possible to minimize these risks. The coaches are trained in first aid, and understand how to teach fundamentals and techniques in order to avoid injury. News Release Basketball directors have many years of tour experience. Activities during the tour will be supervised, and a local contact will be present at games, scrimmages and practices to expedite any care that may be needed from local health services.
In the unusual event that any doctor care or any other medical assistance is needed while on the tour, News Release Basketball carries emergency medical/accident insurance of up to $25,000 per person. If financial reimbursement from our insurance company comes to you for a medical bill that was paid by News Release Basketball on tour, you must turn over that reimbursement to News Release Basketball.
For secondary insurance, or for amounts over the above limit, your insurance information is kept on file. Please indicate the name of your insurance company and policy or group number below.
Also, please provide the name and information for an emergency contact.
These are yours to keep after the tour.
Most of the time we will dress informally, and will be in gym clothes often, so only take a minimum amount of jeans, shorts, etc.
Some of the teams might be involved in church service. We will dress casual, but nice. Your nicer pants/shorts + the News Release long-sleeve shirt, and your walking shoes are fine.
Tip: pack for 7-8 days and plan to wash somewhere in between or during your first and second location.
You will only be allowed ONE check-in bag and ONE backpack (the 2 items that we will provide for you).
DO NOT BRING AN EXTRA BAG. We want to be light and mobile, especially when getting around the airports and train stations.
Keep weight well below the 50-lbs (23kg) limit for international travel. News Release Basketball will not pay for excess bags if its your personal stuff.
Do not pack your bag full! Everyone will have responsibility to carry team items (programs, med kit, team gifts, etc.) Half your travel bag will be your stuff, and half will be team gear/gifts. Again, the lighter you travel, the better. Every year, someone says, “I wish I would have packed less.”
Pack one or two days worth of clothing in your CARRY ON bag. (This is in case of any luggage issues upon arrival)
It’s helpful if your clothes are of the drip-dry variety (wash and wear, no ironing needed). Dry-fit materials are great for traveling.
In some of the locations, our hosts offer to do laundry. We don’t want to burden our hosts, but we can take advantage of their generosity. If the opportunity is there, have your clothes washed. If we are not staying with hosts, be prepared to wash by hand.
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We are looking forward to an exciting summer!
🙏Start praying now that the Lord’s hand will be in all that we do and that we can get the most out of what He has in store for us before and during the tour.🙏
Please be sure to follow ALL the steps on the next page in order to administratively and logistically prepare for the tour.✅
We are here to help you. If at any time you have any questions or problems, don’t hesitate to contact us:
Tim Bieri: 💬(970) 310-5636 | ✉️
Steve Sorensen: 💬(303) 926-8360 | ✉️