“Someone says: “Everything is permissible for me” –but not everything is beneficial. Someone says: “Everything is permissible for me” – but I will not be mastered by anything.” 1 Corinthians 6:12
“It is God’s will . . that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.” 1Thessalonians 4:4-7
Dribbling is the act of putting the ball on the floor so that you can move according to the rules of the game. Every team needs a good dribbler, a “ball-handler”. A ball-handler does several things for your team:
- moves the ball from one point to another,
- controls the movements of your team,
- keeps the ball away from the defense,
- puts the ball in the best place to be able to score.
Without dribbling skills, it is impossible to do the above. To be a good dribbler you must maintain control at all times, even when the ball is out of your hands.
To become a better ball handler one must practice controlling the ball, even in challenging situations.
Control skills are also needed in life. We are bombarded with situations that can easily spiral out of control. Over-eating, not taking care of yourself, over-drinking, sexual immorality, drugs; I bet you can name more.
Its ok to enjoy the good things in life in their proper context. The key is not to be controlled by them.
- Are you in control?
- What bad habits do you carry?
- Do you know the impact they have in your life?
- Can you stop at any time?
With any habit, ask yourself:
- is it beneficial?
- am I mastered by it?
Know what is right and what is good and practice these things. Be in charge in all areas of your life, so that you may live well.
Check out this GREAT ball-handling video from one of our News Release Basketball alumni, Adrian Maloney Jr.
Adrian went on a tour with NRB in 2016 and is now a skills trainer at MaxLab Training in Wichita, Kansas.

Steve Sorensen | News Release Basketball Associate Director
Steve has served with NRB for nearly 40 years.
For the past 15+ years he has been the Executive Director.
Steve has also been a high school basketball coach for 30+ years.